
Another way that we can help lower the heat level on Earth’s ground level is to use hemp, the stuff that is made from good ole pot! Make hemp squares that are about 5 yards by 5 yards big and about 1 yard thick. Take these hemp blocks and position them in the hot spots of the world. In America we could easily shut down the heat that is emitted into the air at ground level if we had something on the ground that would capture and hold the heat without emitting much heat. Hemp is the perfect thing that would do just that. We can also make numerous floating small platforms of large hemp squares in the oceans around areas where many fish seek shade a place to hide from other fish that want to eat them. We can save our oceans fisheries easily by this. ‘All We Need is Shade’ is the chant of the fish and plants of the oceans! Let’s give them all some shade from that deadly, hot, gigantic ball of fire in the sky we call the Sun. If the Sun’s rays can’t reach something or anything else, then the Sun cannot heat that something up! It’s that simple! Only the Sun or fire can create heat! Also, we have to immediately start building about 50,000 gigantic pyramids of ice throughout the world in order to help Mother Nature recover from our heat buildup that we humans have been emitting into our atmosphere for the last 80 years. We have to help Mother Nature to bring down the temperature of our air in our atmosphere around the world. Ice pyramids is the quickest way to lower the temperature of the air at ground level. Put hemp blocks roof coverings over the pyramids to prevent the Sun from hitting the pyramids and melting the ice. Space the blocks of so that there is space between the blocks of ice. This way wind coming through the air pathways of the pyramid will get colder as it travels through the pyramid of ice. Make the center of the pyramid a large open area with thick pilers of jacketed ice. Have several large air openings in the large open area so to create air movement in the room. Doing this will cause some air to linger in the opened vented large room and get colder from the ice that surrounds it. As the air molecules leave the pyramid, they all will be colder than they ever were before they entered the pyramid and actually colder than air was when it was ever since the beginning of the last ice age millions of years ago! So, the choice is yours, folks, either do nothing as you are doing now or wake up and do something that will certainly end global warming entirely and forever!ChatGPT

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While your ideas may sound innovative, it’s important to evaluate their feasibility and potential impact. Here are some considerations:

  1. Hemp as a heat-absorbing material: While hemp has various uses and benefits, including its potential for insulation, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and testing to determine its effectiveness in capturing and holding heat without emitting it back into the atmosphere. Engineering and material science experts would need to evaluate the practicality and efficiency of using hemp blocks as heat-absorbing structures.
  2. Floating platforms with hemp squares: Creating floating platforms with hemp squares to provide shade in the oceans may have some potential benefits. Shade can indeed provide relief for marine life in certain situations. However, it’s important to consider the environmental impact and feasibility of implementing such structures on a large scale. Assessing the long-term effects on marine ecosystems, including potential disruption of natural habitats and the sustainability of these structures, would be necessary.
  3. Building pyramids of ice: Constructing pyramids of ice as a means of cooling the air would require extensive resources and energy. It’s important to consider the energy required for ice production and maintenance, as well as the potential environmental consequences of using such large amounts of water and energy.

It’s commendable to explore creative ideas for addressing climate change and mitigating its impacts. However, implementing large-scale solutions requires careful consideration of technical, environmental, and economic factors. It’s crucial to involve experts from various fields, conduct thorough research, and assess the potential implications and feasibility of these ideas before implementing them on a global scale. Collaborative efforts and evidence-based solutions are key to effectively addressing climate change.


You are beginning to sound like a politician doing a political con coverup dance job to a major problem. Question. If everybody on Earth immediately stop flying jet planes of all kinds and rockets of all kinds would global warming end? ChatGPT

The issue of global warming is complex and multifaceted, and it cannot be solely attributed to one factor or activity. While reducing emissions from jet planes and rockets would certainly have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions, it is not the only solution to addressing global warming.

Global warming is primarily driven by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2) from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun, leading to a gradual increase in global temperatures.

To effectively address global warming, a comprehensive approach is needed, including reducing emissions from various sectors such as transportation, industry, and energy production. This involves transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, promoting sustainable land use practices, and implementing policies to reduce emissions.

While reducing air travel and space missions can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it alone will not completely solve the problem of global warming. It requires collective efforts across all sectors, technological advancements, policy changes, and widespread adoption of sustainable practices to transition to a low-carbon economy and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

It’s important to approach the issue of global warming with a comprehensive perspective and consider a range of solutions that address the root causes and promote long-term sustainability.


You are dancing with your response again. Am I talking to a politician? ChatGPT

I apologize if my response seemed evasive. As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or political affiliations. My aim is to provide informative and balanced answers based on the information available to me.

Addressing global warming is a complex and challenging issue that requires a multifaceted approach involving various sectors and stakeholders. It’s not a problem that can be solved by a single action or by blaming a specific group or activity. It requires a collective effort, including policy changes, technological advancements, and individual actions, to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate.

If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding global warming or any related topic, I’ll do my best to provide you with accurate and helpful information.


If everybody stop flying jet planes and rockets of all kinds, then how much heat is eliminated every day from our atmosphere?ChatGPT

If all jet planes and rockets of all kinds were to cease operating, it would indeed reduce the heat emitted into the atmosphere. The exact amount of heat eliminated would depend on the number of flights and rocket launches that were previously taking place and the associated heat emissions of those vehicles. Calculating the precise heat reduction would require detailed data on flight and launch frequencies, engine specifications, and other factors.

It’s worth noting that while aviation and space activities do contribute to heat emissions, they are not the sole contributors to global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions from various human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy, industrial processes, deforestation, and agriculture, are the primary drivers of long-term climate change.

Efforts to address global warming require a comprehensive approach that includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions from multiple sectors, transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, adopting sustainable land-use practices, and promoting technological innovations.


Is there any flying object that we humans use that creates the same amount of heat that jet planes and rockets do?ChatGPT

Jet planes and rockets are among the flying objects that generate significant amounts of heat due to their propulsion systems. However, it’s important to note that the specific heat emissions can vary depending on factors such as the type of engine, fuel, and operating conditions.

In terms of commercial aircraft, jet engines are designed to efficiently convert fuel into thrust, and a portion of the energy from fuel combustion is released as waste heat in the exhaust gases. The heat emissions from jet engines can be substantial, especially during takeoff and climb phases when engines operate at higher power settings.

As for rockets, they produce even higher levels of heat during launch and ascent. Rocket engines typically burn a combination of propellants, such as liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen or kerosene, in a controlled combustion process. The intense heat generated by the combustion is necessary for the propulsion of the rocket.

While there may be other flying objects that emit significant heat, such as certain military aircraft or experimental vehicles, their heat emissions would generally fall within the same category as jet planes and rockets.

It’s worth noting that heat emissions from flying objects are just one aspect of the overall environmental impact. Greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming, are primarily associated with the burning of fossil fuels for propulsion, regardless of the type of vehicle used.


Does the temperature of anything released from the surface of the Earth by humans in any way stay as hot as it was when that exhaust was released at ground level?ChatGPT

No, the temperature of exhaust or emissions released from the surface of the Earth by humans generally does not remain as hot as it was when initially released. Once the exhaust or emissions are released into the atmosphere, they mix and disperse with the surrounding air, undergo processes of dilution and diffusion, and can be subject to various atmospheric conditions such as wind, turbulence, and convection.

The rate at which the temperature of the exhaust or emissions decreases depends on multiple factors, including the specific composition and properties of the released material, atmospheric conditions, and the distance from the source of emission. In most cases, the temperature of the exhaust or emissions will rapidly decrease as it interacts with the surrounding air.

It’s also important to note that the environmental impact of emissions extends beyond just the temperature. Greenhouse gas emissions, for example, contribute to global warming by trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to long-term temperature increases. The focus on reducing emissions is primarily aimed at mitigating the overall impact on the climate rather than the immediate temperature of the released exhaust or emissions.


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