Read my new webpage at to see how we can easily end global warming! In the times we are in it is important that we come up with new solutions for the problems we are in. That is truer with concerns of the environment than with anything else. Our environment is coming under assault from humans more so now than ever before. Our governments and our so-called leaders of environmental minds haven’t done anything yet to end global warming and have shown
that they haven’t a clue on how to end global warming. I am hoping to educate all of them and you on how we can easily and permanently end global warming within 3 months if we all stop flying jet airplanes of all kinds and stop flying rockets of all kinds. Of course, we will have to do more than that but by not flying jet airplanes and rockets we will then enable Mother Nature to again surround the planet entirely with a cold layer of air molecules from outer space that will help keep our whole atmosphere around the Earth cool enough so that the ice, snow and especially the permafrost on Earth will stop melting! Now that will be an achievement because then it will mean that global warming is over! But in order to survive on this planet us humans will have to do one more thing that is very important! And it scares me that no one else is even talking about this very important thing that us humans have got to do in order to preserve the ice age we live in and all the luxuries there is to have when we have ice and snow on Earth!