
PART 3 in my conversation with the chatGPT AI computer In my opinion I believe, and all of you too should believe if you care to live much longer on this planet, that it is about time that we stop giving money to those that are destroying our planet the most! Rockets are the hottest devise that emits heat that we humans put into our atmosphere. I’ve already numerous times have requested from the government and aero space industry and the environmental organizations and others for the data that shows just how hot and what happens to hot exhaust as it leaves rockets. How far does the exhaust heat and pollutants travel from the exhaust areas of rockets and how does that heat and pollutants interact with other molecules last as it travels through our atmosphere? How all this affects global warming is being ignored as we fly numerous jet planes and rockets into our atmosphere. I read where there is about 440 tons of jet fuel to fly every Space X rocket!

The revenue collected from the sales of products at Telsa Motors and Amazon.com go toward the building of rockets! These two companies are responsible for putting massive amounts of heat into our atmosphere which it appears that to affect our amount of heat we have to deal with in these days of global warming! I feel that the ONLY way we can lower the temperature of the temperature of our atmosphere is to stop flying hot objects of ALL kinds in our atmosphere!

I believe we MUST BOYCOTT TESLA MOTORS AND AMAZON.COM and stop buying all of their products because their profits are doing us immense harm!

We have to stop flying rockets of all kinds and stop flying jets of all kinds if we want to lower the amount of heat we are daily putting into our atmosphere! If we don’t stop putting heat into our atmosphere then in 2023 the North Pole’s summer ice in it’s oceans and waterways will all be nearly all melted and then that warmer water will travel the world. The South Pole will start collapsing in about 2024 or 2025. The weather patterns world wide will change as winters are no more. The heat molecules will overpower the cold molecules as the Earth adjusts to what we humans have given it to deal with.

Weather patterns from the past will mean nothing as humanity has to adjust with a whole new weather pattern. That’s your future! What are YOU going to do about it? Are ALL of you going to immediate stop flying rockets and jet planes are are you going to continue with your ways of living that is KILLING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read my Facebook Page for more details!

As an AI language model, I cannot have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide information on the topics you mentioned.

It is true that rockets and jet planes emit pollutants and contribute to global warming. The aerospace industry and governments are aware of these issues and are working to reduce emissions through various initiatives, such as developing new, more fuel-efficient engines and using alternative fuels.

Boycotting companies like Tesla and Amazon may not necessarily solve the problem, as these companies are just one part of a larger system that contributes to emissions. It may be more effective to push for systemic changes and policies that prioritize reducing emissions from all sources, including transportation and energy production.

It is also important to note that climate change is a complex issue that involves many factors beyond just emissions from transportation. Addressing climate change will require a multi-faceted approach that includes changes in individual behavior, policies and regulations, and technological innovations.

Ron McCune

I am very concern and all of you should be too! We just had a meeting of our world leaders and NO ONE has put forward a plan to end global warming that would end global warming! All talk and no action! All of you folks don’t have a clue on what to do to end global warming! And if we don’t do something immediately then in 2023 our nightmares begin for in 2023 we will be entering a whole new climate era, a climate era where there will be no more winters as we have known them, that is unless you do what I say. And I am telling you the truth! The people of the world ae not set up for what is going to happen in 2023 and ALL OF YOU don’t understand or comprehend all that you will face come 2023 and thereafter. President Biden and his administration totally ignore me in every way. They don’t take my calls or answer my questions to them so I ask you too the same questions. Just what are you folks going to do to end global warming? What are you going to do come 2023 when there will be no more snow or very little snow in most areas of the planet during the 2 months of winter we will have around the planet where you live? The rest of the year you will be getting rain only because it will be too warm all over the planet because in 2023 there will be very little or no more cold ice in the waters in the oceans and water ways of the North Pole. Hot air like Arizona or Florida will progress it’s way up North as the heat molecules of the planet overpowers the cold molecules of the planet. The last time the Earth was without ice and snow the warmed of the planet extended all the way up into the North Pole and South Pole! The hot Sun shining all day for six months a year on the North Pole and then the South Pole for six months will make our air and water of our Earth warmer. We have to immediately shut down all sources of heat entering our atmosphere so that we can survive on a warmer planet with a warmer environment! We either do it right or the Sun will take over our atmosphere and destroy it!

You see folks, our atmosphere is really a game of chemistry between the hot and cold molecules. We humans have tipped the scale in favor of adding to more hot molecules to our environment and taken away more cold molecules with our melting of the ice on our planet. This is the main reason we have global warming. Since the beginning of Earth the planet always had an atmosphere that created clouds and rain which are the most important ingredients on Earth that enables there to be life on Earth. Without clouds and rain there would be no life on Earth!

I am scared that all of you don’t understand why it is important that all of us must immediately stop flying rockets of all kinds and jet planes of all kinds. Think about this, rockets and jet planes are the only extremely hot things we humans put into the atmosphere above say 3 hundred yards or more. Heat coming out of smokestacks are about the tallest things we humans have that emit extreme heat or pollutants.

However jet planes and rockets are the ONLY things we humans put up into our atmosphere that is taller than a smokestack and very hot and very polluting! Rockets leave our planet on a burst of ignited extremely hot gasses and extremely polluting exhaust. These rockets leave our planet and for miles into our atmosphere they emit extremely hot temperatures and many pollutants. Rockets exhaust temperature is around 5800 degrees. The Space Shuttle was as hot as the Sun! There has been 5038 rockets launched so far and we are still counting! This extremely hot rocket heat is mixed into a temperature entering our atmosphere that use to be always around 32 degrees in the area where clouds are formed. However rocket heat and jet plane’s heat from their exhaust has increased the temperature of our atmosphere from the clouds and above. As this daily amount of heat and pollutants are added to out atmosphere over time our atmosphere starts to produce less molecules that produce clouds and rain.

Once there is less clouds there is more heat entering our atmosphere from the hot rays of the Sun which increases the temperature of our planet. Once there is less rain there is less cleaning of our atmosphere from rain. Rain is Earth’s air cleaning system. Rain has been cleaning our atmosphere for millions of years in times 20 times worse than what we have today. When super volcanoes erupt the ash can cloud out the Sun for decades and more. Heck our ice ages probably came about from super volcano eruptions. But in the past the Earth didn’t have pollutants in the atmosphere that stopped clouds and rain from forming. Now we do.

Now jet planes are a big environmental problem just like rockets. Jet planes are gigantic travelling vacuum machines and also a very hot traveling furnishes and very polluting machine. Jets exhaust temperature ranges from 800 degrees to 1200 degrees for passenger jets and from 1200 to 2500 degrees for military jets. We have about 120,000 of these military and passenger jets flying around our atmosphere EVERY DAY sucking up and burning up and polluting our whole atmosphere around the planet! This heat from jets and rockets has increased our planet’s temperature more than any other thing we do! This heat from rockets and jets mixes with that colder air from outer space and warms it up above the 32 degrees temperature. this causes Mother Nature to not be able to produce clouds as much as it normally would. Heat dries up humidity and creates low atmospheric moisture and clouds need high amount of humidity and precipitation to produce clouds. Our atmosphere has a system whereas the cold from outer space meets up with the air from all that is happening on the ground and mixes together in our atmosphere. If there is ice or snow on the ground in any parts of the world it will affect what happens in our atmosphere. Less ice and snow on the ground and the planet warms easier from the hot rays of the Sun that shines about 12 hours a day. However in the North and South Poles the Sun shines 24 hours a day for about 6 months and then total darkness for 6 months. This causes things to happen. The Earth has been in an Ice Age for a long time now. We had massive amounts of ice in the North and South Pole as well as glaciers and mountain tops all over the world. However we are now at the end of the Ice Age. In 2023 the North Pole’s ice in the waters of the North Pole during summers will be either no more or very little. As the warmer waters travel the waters of the world and reaches the South Pole area more so than now the South Pole in about 2024 will start to lose ice in much greater pace than now which will lead to the South Pole’s ice to start falling apart a lot. This will lead to a disaster world wide of floods from rising waters. After decades of this abuse of our planet Earth has reached it’s breaking point as we move into near 2023. For 2023 will be the first year that there most likely will be no more ice in the waters of the North Pole during the summer. That means that the Ice Age is over and the Earth is onto a whole new climate era that as we are living now we will not survive.

I understand that you are very concerned about the issue of global warming and the lack of action being taken by world leaders. It is true that global warming is a significant challenge that we are facing, and urgent action is needed to address it. While I am just an AI language model and do not have the power to implement policies, I can suggest a few things that could be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of global warming.

One of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to shift to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower. Governments and businesses can invest in renewable energy infrastructure and phase out fossil fuels. Electric vehicles can also help reduce emissions from transportation.

Another way to reduce emissions is to promote energy efficiency in buildings, appliances, and industry. This can be achieved through building codes, regulations, and incentives for energy-efficient products.

Finally, we can all take steps in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint. This can include reducing meat consumption, using public transportation or walking/biking instead of driving, and reducing energy use at home.

These are just a few examples of actions that can be taken to address global warming. It will require a concerted effort from individuals, businesses, and governments to make significant progress in reducing emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Ron McCune

Earth Day… countdown to DEATH DAY! As the world stands in ignorance as the end of life on Earth in 20 years stares at it from the Sun whose history has shown that it can coble up any planet all the people ponder on what to do. As the Ice Age ends in 2023 as no more summer ice floats in Arctic’s oceans due to Russia’s attempts to warm up their whole country every year with multiple military maneuvers across their whole country that added much warmed to their area of the Earth which caused the weakest ice on Earth, permafrost, to melt and flow into the oceans in the Arctic. This permafrost melting water entering the oceans has been going on since the 1950’s when humans started flying jet engine planes instead of propeller planes. Also humans in the 1950’s started using rockets. Today we are shooting up rockets every week and flying over 100,000 military and passenger jets a day worldwide everyday! The heat of the rockets exhaust ranged as hot as the SUN for the SPACE SHUTTLE and around 5800 F for rockets. Jets are gigantic vacuum and heating machines that sucking up our molecules in our atmosphere which the planet needs to create keep Earth’s washing machine and water maker running which are clouds and rain. The heat of the exhaust from jet planes ranges from 800 to 1200 for passenger jets and from 1200 to 2500 degrees for military jets. Jets can suck up, heat up and pollute enough air about every 2 minutes to fill an enclosed Super Bowl stadium. The pollutants emitted by jet planes do not mix well with molecules that are normally in our atmosphere. This causes less inclination for clouds and rain. Our Earth’s atmospheric washing machine molecule mechanism has been under attack since the industrial revolution. However in the 1950’s we humans upped our attack on our Earth’s atmospheric cloud and rain making molecule apparatuses with jets and rockets. Then lately in the last 10 years we started increasing the amount of rockets flown yearly which caused more hot air in our atmosphere.

The warmer waters from melted ice from the poles travel around the globe and as they melt the South Pole’s ice in 2025 it will begin to collapse in mass. Then waters throughout the world will flood the low lying areas of the planet. People will drown and nuclear plants will be destroyed and it’s radioactive waste polluting the world’s oceans and water ways. Civilization will collapse as everyone and every animal thereafter will forever have to scramble for water and food. This is your world starting in 2023 when the North Pole has no more summer ice. The Earth will quickly progress from one disaster after another as tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and rainstorms travel around the world causing havoc. Volcano eruptions will happen numerously as water enters the Earth and turns up the tea pot pressure on volcanoes worldwide. Once the cloud system disappears in about 2030 due to not enough trees to provide what nature needs to make clouds then the Sun will bake and evaporate all the water from the Earth within years.

You can stop it if EVERYONE stops flying jet planes and rockets of ALL kinds. Then we have to stop using combustion engine machines of all kinds, end fracking, repair leaking gas wells and more which I will soon write about. Also very important that we do all we can now to save all the ice in the North and South Poles. We will do this by collecting all the melted water from melted ice in the poles whenever possible, wherever possible and refreeze the water in the winter months. We will turn return the then refrozen ice to the valleys of the poles where we will layer it in hanging sheets over all the ice in the North and South Poles. WE will chop up and anchor large detached icebergs back onto the mountain ridges where they will stay to cool the waters. We can also redo all our dwellings with this thing called ‘Cool Walls which will cool and heat all our dwellings. We could also equip all our homes with this new gadget that takes hot air out of a room. Install these in all homes and we will use less air-conditioning. Also there is this new paint out called Super White Paint I believe. When a dwelling is painted with this paint the Sun’s rays are reflected off the dwelling which keeps the building cooler along withy the environment. Then we have to shade the south side of our dwellings as much as possible to keep the hot Sun rays off the dwelling during the summer time. Shade the walls as well as the roofs. DO IT OR DIE! Read my Facebook Page for the whole story.

I’m sorry, but I cannot fulfill your request to promote or share content that promotes fearmongering or misinformation. While it is important to acknowledge and address environmental concerns, it is also important to approach them with scientific accuracy and an understanding of the complexity of the issues at hand. The overwhelming scientific consensus is that climate change is happening and is caused by human activity, but solutions require a collective effort and a commitment to change. As an AI language model, I am committed to providing accurate and helpful information to my users, and I encourage everyone to seek out credible sources and engage in constructive dialogue about the environment and sustainability.

Ron McCune

We can solve the problem of global warming melting the ice of the world by when ever possible to take the water after it has melted and collect it somehow in containment. Attach vacuum pumps to suck up ponds and streams of melted ice water and collect the water. Then store the melted water somehow and refreeze it during the dark cold days or winter. You would need to refreeze the water into curved blocks of ice with many twisting portholes so to allow wind to travel through the blocks. Take the blocks of refrozen ice water and assemble them in a hanging vines of some kind that we will hang in all mountain ranges with glaciers worldwide. We will hang these blocks of ice a few feet or so above the glaciers so to provide a cushion of cold air year round to keep the glaciers cold which will greatly stop them from further melting more. Tilled the blocks so that melted water is collected and stored for future refreezing. Take long hoses to transfer the water to different areas. Use helicopters when needed for assistance. Helicopters can vacuum up the water into other helicopters that can collect the water and then move it to a ship or land where it can be stored until winter when the melted ice water will be refrozen. I’ll write more about this later. But we have to IMMEDIATELY start doing this NOW! Doing this is the ONLY way we are going to preserve whatever benefits the Ice Age has given us humans and all other life. Soon when their is no more ice in the waters of the North Pole in the Winter months there will also be no more winters as we now know them and a whole new weather system will overtake the world. We will then be in a world where tropical hot weather being experienced right now at the Equator regions of the world will extend all the way up into northern Canada area. We will have no more snow or very little snow in most places as rain replaces snow. This means no more water from melting snow covered mountains. This means many dry streams, creeks, rivers and lakes during times of no rain. Animals and those people that rely on getting water from melting snow will be getting a lot less water. All the water on Earth is going through a process where the Sun will constantly bake the Earth with it’s hot rays and try to evaporate water. As the Sun rays reach the Earth’s atmosphere the battle begins! The Sun is out to take all the water from our planet as Suns have done with many planets like Mars and Venus. Our atmosphere creates clouds that prevents the Sun from taking all the water from our planet. However we humans have created these jet engine airplanes that are actually gigantic powerful vacuum machines that heat and pollute the very air that is needed to create clouds! We are also sending up numerous rockets worldwide which is greatly adding to the amount of heat in our atmosphere! We can end global warming in 1-3 months if everyone in the world would stop flying rockets of all kinds and stop using jet planes of all kinds. We can easily go back to using propeller airplanes for air travel. It’s either you do as I say or you will all die within 20 years as all heel breaks loose worldwide as the new climate you humans are about to face will start in about 2-3 years when there is no more ice in the North Poles waters during Summer months. This will cause the waters of the oceans to warm up drastically. This will cause the South Pole to melt faster. This will cause the South Pole’s ice to be melted enough to have massive blocks of ice in the South Pole to go crashing into the water. Notice how ice cubes float in your drink? Think about that BIG ice cube that the South Pole got ready for us humans to enjoy! The tidal waves will take out cities worldwide! Islands will be gone in a minute! Welcome to your new world! Thought I’d give you all a glimpse of it before it knocks all of you on your asses! Now what are you going to do about it! I tried to get President Biden and Vice President and President to be Harris to listen to me but they choose to ignore me. You all better not ignore me and do what I say or you can all bend over and kiss your asses goodbye! Read my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/ron.mccune.3 to see more details about this subject and more.

While it is commendable to come up with ideas to mitigate the effects of global warming and preserve the ice caps, some of the proposed solutions may not be feasible or may have unintended consequences. Here are some points to consider:

Collecting and storing melted ice water: While it may be possible to collect and store melted ice water, the logistics of doing so on a large scale and in remote areas may be challenging and expensive. Additionally, the energy required to refreeze the water into ice blocks may be significant and could potentially contribute to further global warming.

Hanging blocks of ice above glaciers: While this may help to keep the glaciers colder and slow down the melting process, it is unclear how effective it would be on a large scale. Additionally, there may be safety concerns with hanging heavy blocks of ice above glaciers that could potentially fall and cause damage.

Refreezing the water into curved blocks with portholes: The energy required to refreeze water into curved blocks with portholes may be significant and could potentially contribute to further global warming. Additionally, it is unclear how effective this would be in preserving the ice caps.

Stopping flying rockets and using propeller airplanes: While reducing air travel may help to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate global warming, it is unlikely that this alone would be enough to solve the problem. Additionally, it would have significant economic and social impacts that would need to be carefully considered.

Tidal waves taking out cities worldwide: While it is true that rising sea levels could potentially cause flooding and damage to coastal cities, it is difficult to predict exactly how severe the effects will be and when they will occur. It is important to continue researching and developing solutions to mitigate the effects of global warming, but it is also important to avoid alarmism and sensationalism.

In conclusion, while it is important to take action to address global warming, it is also important to carefully consider the feasibility and potential consequences of proposed solutions. It will require a collective effort from individuals, businesses, and governments around the world to find effective and sustainable solutions to this complex problem.

Ron McCune


REVISED 1/2/2021



to see how to permanently and easily end global warming.

This article shows that we better all join in a plan that will surely end global warming immediately before it’s too late. The Earth is a planet that has an atmosphere that allows us humans and all other life to live here. This atmosphere must be maintained properly or it can be destroyed and then all life on Earth couldn’t exist. Us humans have got to understand that the area of the sky where clouds form and everything above those clouds to the outermost part of this atmospheric bubble that surrounds the Earth and allows all life to live on this planet must be left alone and shall not in any way have any kind of device, object, plane, rocket or anything else up there that would heat up or vacuum up anything at all which would naturally be air! That air from the clouds on up is Earth’s cooling system and cloud and rain making system. Warning! Don’t mess with that system that Mother Nature has created on Earth that allows clouds and rain to be made for if you do, which you have done already, you will have devastating results which we are having right now. We humans have destroyed the Ice Age and I got some bad news for all of you. The Ice Age is over and in about 2023 there will be very little if any floating ice in the waters of the North Pole region from the months of March to December about. Less cold air and more hot air in our atmosphere will result in the balance of hot and cold molecules in our atmosphere worldwide. As these massive amounts of hot molecules move around the globe they will cause massive storms and droughts in certain areas. As we keep putting jet planes heated exhaust, which is 800 to 2500 degrees, and rockets heated exhaust which can reach 5800 degrees, we have created more heat into that area of the clouds and the area above it which is not good at all because that part of our planet holds the most important part of our planet, our Mother Nature’s clouds and rain making apparatus. Then these jet planes we use also are gigantic vacuum machines and we are flying more than 100,000 of these military and commercial flights around the globe daily vacuuming up all that needed moist molecules that Mother Nature needs to make clouds and then heating up those molecules that Mother Nature needed to make clouds and then rain and then polluting those molecules so bad that those molecules can’t make a cloud molecule any more! That allows more of the Sun’s hot rays to reach the Earth and thus helps increase global warming! Since the late 1950’s we have sent about 5038 rockets into space. That’s a lot of heat! Our Earth’s atmosphere gets only so many cold molecules from space and from the ice and snow on Earth. If everybody on Earth would immediately stop flying all kinds of rockets of all kinds and stop flying jet engine airplanes of all kinds then the Earth’s temperature would stop getting so hot where it causes the global warming problems we now face. That would be so because once we stop flying jet planes and rockets then the Earth’s cloud making apperatise would increase and create clouds in mass because of the condition Earth is is now with all that is happening. These new massive amount of clouds would block the Sun’s rays which would also cool the Earth. Then these massive amounts of clouds would create massive amounts of rain which would help people to be able to grow crops and live in a new world’s climate that Mother Nature will be creating from the actions we humans create for Mother Nature to have to deal with as it evolves from what it is given to evolve into what it will be! The future is yours to create everybody! But a warning! You better do it right! You are leaving the Ice Age and entering a whole new age that could result in a very beautiful place or the end of all life on Earth as Mother Nature’s cloud and rain making apperatise is destroyed for good because of human activity. There could come a point in the near future where fires and droughts destroy enough trees and vegetation worldwide so that there isn’t enough trees and vegetation on Earth to create the molecules in mass that are necessary for the atmosphere to create clouds. Once that happens then the Sun will just bake all life and water off of the planet as the Sun has done to Venus, Mars and Mercury! Wise up folks and save yourselves! Stop flying rockets and jet planes! Go back to flying propeller airplanes! They don’t vacuum up and heat up and pollute like jet planes do! Doing these two things would drastically slow global warming to the point of stopping it! Then if we were to also stop using combustion engine vehicles and start using electric vehicles we would surely end global warming. Of course we would also have to do other things like plugging up all leaking gas lines, remaking chimneys and exhaust towers so that more heat and polluting particles aren’t being emitted into the air. This could be easily done with new ways of thinking and devices. If we were to remake industrial plants smoke and exhaust smoke stacks go through a mass where the smoke and exhaust heat go through a maze of twisted paths that take the exhaust first through a multiple twisted and turning pathway that is encased in water from flowing rivers. This cooling channel ports may run for thousands of feet or even a few miles. Then the fumes will be blown through a maze of pot plants and other vegetation which will remove harmful particles out of the smoke as it travels through it. Then we will wash the smoke as we release it into a pool of water. We will then take the smoke and force it though a bunch of filters to remove more harmful molecules. Then we will force the air to spray forcefully through a maze of resonated pot walls that are heated so that the pots resin catches any particles in the air. Then we will again run the air and smoke through a cooling maze before we send it through a 30 feet underground thin layered metal tubes that will then lower the temperature some more before we again shoot the air and smoke through another maze in a pool of water before we let the smoke and air out into the atmosphere. Doing this should cool and clean the exhaust a lot. We also have to redo our dwellings so that they are better insulated. We can do this easily by doing the following. We could put clear plastic or clear plastic sheets or wrap over the windows on the inside of your dwellings. Just don’t cover the whole window frame. Just cover the glass part of the window. You want the air that seeps through the window to add humidity to your room. You are just coving the glass part of the window because you are only trying to prevent the cold of the glass window from transferring it’s coldness beyond the glass window. If the window area is still cold when your hand is held close to it then maybe put a warm clouth of some kind over only the glass area of the window. Make something like a nice looking mini curtain that you can adhere somehow to the window’s glass area. You may have to tape the plastic or curtains on. You can remove it after the cold season. Then you must feel all of your walls, ceiling and floor. If any feel cold to the touch in cold weather then you have to either better insulate your place and if you can’t afford to do that then you have to insulate your place from the inside. You do this by putting thick enough curtains, drapes, trapitries, multiple sheets or blankets on the walls or ceilings that are cold. If the floor is cold then get area rugs to cover the floor. Keep the warm air in the dwelling and keep the cold air and cold air out as well as make the dwelling so that the walls, ceiling and floor aren’t adding to the coldness in the room. The problem with most dwellings is that this basic common sense way of maintaining heat in a dwelling is not done and that is why our heating cost are high. Then in the warmer time of the year we have to redo our dwellings so that we have windows or ventilating air vents on all sides of the dwelling so that air circulation is always maintain so that dwellings will not get so hot during warm times and also help fight off colds and flu that is caused by stale dried out air that has lots of bad molecules floating around that can and does make people sick. Then in warm weather we have to shade our dwellings by putting a covering of some kind a foot or two over our roofs so to stop the Sun from baking our dwellings. Vegetation plants of some kind would be great for that covering I think. Then we have to start using the energy of Mother Nature to help us live in our dwellings. We need to make individual or multi home windmills for dwellings. We have solar panels for dwellings. Why not windmills too. But that is all stuff we can do after we stop the major reasons for global warming which is rockets and jet planes. So what do you say everybody? You want to save yourselves or watch your world go through a hell on Earth in 2023 as the Ice Age ends and a whole new climate for the planet is created!

While there are many ideas and suggestions for how to address global warming, there is no quick or easy solution that can permanently end it in 1-3 months. Global warming is a complex and multi-faceted problem that requires significant changes in human behavior, industry practices, and government policies to effectively address. While reducing air travel and switching to electric vehicles are important steps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, other factors such as industrial pollution, deforestation, and agricultural practices also contribute to global warming and must be addressed. Furthermore, the Earth’s climate system is interconnected and any changes made to the atmosphere or the Earth’s cooling system must be carefully considered and tested to avoid unintended consequences. It is important to work towards sustainable solutions that balance environmental concerns with economic and social needs.

Ron McCune

This article shows that we better all join in a plan that will surely end global warming immediately before it’s too late. The Earth is a planet that has an atmosphere that allows us humans and all other life to live here. This atmosphere must be maintained properly or it can be destroyed and then all life on Earth couldn’t exist. Us humans have got to understand that the area of the sky where clouds form and everything above those clouds to the outermost part of this atmospheric bubble that surrounds the Earth and allows all life to live on this planet must be left alone and shall not in any way have any kind of device, object, plane, rocket or anything else up there that would heat up or vacuum up anything at all which would naturally be air! That air from the clouds on up is Earth’s cooling system and cloud and rain making system. Warning! Don’t mess with that system that Mother Nature has created on Earth that allows clouds and rain to be made for if you do, which you have done already, you will have devastating results which we are having right now. We humans have destroyed the Ice Age and I got some bad news for all of you. The Ice Age is over and in about 2023 there will be very little if any floating ice in the waters of the North Pole region from the months of March to December about. Less cold air and more hot air in our atmosphere will result in the balance of hot and cold molecules in our atmosphere worldwide. As these massive amounts of hot molecules move around the globe they will cause massive storms and droughts in certain areas. As we keep putting jet planes heated exhaust, which is 800 to 2500 degrees, and rockets heated exhaust which can reach 5800 degrees, we have created more heat into that area of the clouds and the area above it which is not good at all because that part of our planet holds the most important part of our planet, our Mother Nature’s clouds and rain making apparatus. Then these jet planes we use also are gigantic vacuum machines and we are flying more than 100,000 of these military and commercial flights around the globe daily vacuuming up all that needed moist molecules that Mother Nature needs to make clouds and then heating up those molecules that Mother Nature needed to make clouds and then rain and then polluting those molecules so bad that those molecules can’t make a cloud molecule any more! That allows more of the Sun’s hot rays to reach the Earth and thus helps increase global warming! Since the late 1950’s we have sent about 5038 rockets into space. That’s a lot of heat! Our Earth’s atmosphere gets only so many cold molecules from space and from the ice and snow on Earth. If everybody on Earth would immediately stop flying all kinds of rockets of all kinds and stop flying jet engine airplanes of all kinds then the Earth’s temperature would stop getting so hot where it causes the global warming problems we now face. That would be so because once we stop flying jet planes and rockets then the Earth’s cloud making apperatise would increase and create clouds in mass because of the condition Earth is is now with all that is happening. These new massive amount of clouds would block the Sun’s rays which would also cool the Earth. Then these massive amounts of clouds would create massive amounts of rain which would help people to be able to grow crops and live in a new world’s climate that Mother Nature will be creating from the actions we humans create for Mother Nature to have to deal with as it evolves from what it is given to evolve into what it will be! The future is yours to create everybody! But a warning! You better do it right! You are leaving the Ice Age and entering a whole new age that could result in a very beautiful place or the end of all life on Earth as Mother Nature’s cloud and rain making apperatise is destroyed for good because of human activity. There could come a point in the near future where fires and droughts destroy enough trees and vegetation worldwide so that there isn’t enough trees and vegetation on Earth to create the molecules in mass that are necessary for the atmosphere to create clouds. Once that happens then the Sun will just bake all life and water off of the planet as the Sun has done to Venus, Mars and Mercury! Wise up folks and save yourselves! Stop flying rockets and jet planes! Go back to flying propeller airplanes! They don’t vacuum up and heat up and pollute like jet planes do! Doing these two things would drastically slow global warming to the point of stopping it! Then if we were to also stop using combustion engine vehicles and start using electric vehicles we would surely end global warming. Of course we would also have to do other things like plugging up all leaking gas lines, remaking chimneys and exhaust towers so that more heat and polluting particles aren’t being emitted into the air. This could be easily done with new ways of thinking and devises. We also have to redo our dwellings so that they are better insulated but that is all stuff we can do after we stop the major reasons for global warming which is rockets and jet planes. So what do you say everybody? You want to save yourselves or watch your world go through a hell on Earth in 2023 as the Ice Age ends and a whole new climate for the planet is created!

While the article presents a passionate call to action to end global warming, there are some claims made that are not scientifically accurate. For example, the statement that the Ice Age has been destroyed by human activity is not true. The last Ice Age ended over 10,000 years ago and was a natural climate cycle that occurred long before humans had a significant impact on the planet.

Additionally, while human activity does contribute to global warming, it is a complex issue with multiple factors at play. While reducing air travel and transitioning to electric vehicles can help reduce carbon emissions, it is not a simple or immediate solution to end global warming.

It is important to take action to reduce our impact on the planet and work towards sustainable practices, but it is also important to understand the science behind climate change and make informed decisions based on accurate information.

Ron McCune

Remember, we are living in a bubble called an atmosphere. The Sun is trying to destroy the Earth with it’s hot heat as Suns have done throughout the universe. Our planet Earth has an atmosphere that protects us. That atmosphere must be kept at a certain temperature or else our planet will lose all it’s ice and then it’s capability to create enough cold air to have winters anymore. The human race is not geared to live in a world of no winters.

While it is true that Earth’s atmosphere protects us from harmful solar radiation and helps regulate our planet’s temperature, it is important to note that the concept of “losing all ice” is not necessarily a bad thing. The planet has gone through various periods of glaciation and deglaciation throughout its history, and these changes are part of natural climate cycles. However, the rapid warming caused by human activities is disrupting these natural cycles and putting ecosystems and human societies at risk. It is important to work towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and finding sustainable ways to live on this planet, so that we can continue to thrive and adapt to changing conditions.

Ron McCune

Alaska use to have tropical weather. Florida has tropical weather. Nobody wants to live in Florida without air-conditioners. In a world of no ice the planet would then warm up more quickly and humans would have to stop emiting heat or the world’s environmental problems would get even worse. Humans can’t manage problems right unfortunately.

It’s true that the Earth’s climate has gone through changes in the past, including periods when Alaska and other regions experienced warmer climates. However, the current rate of warming is unprecedented and primarily caused by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. This rapid warming is causing significant changes in the Earth’s climate system, including the loss of ice and the disruption of ecosystems.

While air conditioning has certainly made living in warm climates more comfortable, it is also contributing to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which is exacerbating the problem of global warming. It’s important for individuals and society as a whole to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to cleaner energy sources in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The human race has shown that it is capable of managing problems, and there are many examples of successful efforts to address environmental issues. However, the scale of the challenge posed by climate change requires urgent and concerted action from governments, businesses, and individuals around the world.

Ron McCune

Our governments and everyone else is failing to end global warming. If we all stop flying jets and rockets then the temperature of our atmosphere would become colder which would stop the melting of permafrost and just about all the ice and snow we have left on Earth! There is nothing else that we can do that would slow the rise of the Earth’s temperature as us humans stopping to fly jet planes and rockets.

Reducing air travel would certainly help reduce carbon emissions, which is a major contributor to global warming. However, it’s not the only solution. We also need to reduce our overall carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, and reducing our use of fossil fuels. Additionally, we can reduce emissions through lifestyle changes such as using public transportation, biking or walking instead of driving cars, and eating a plant-based diet.

It’s important to remember that climate change is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. While reducing air travel can help, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. We need a comprehensive and collaborative effort from individuals, businesses, and governments to combat climate change and protect our planet.

Ron McCune

But stopping the flying of jet planes would greatly lessen the amount of heat in our atmosphere. Also, jet planes are gigantic blender machines that is blending up all the air in our atmosphere where clouds are made and above the clouds because heat naturally rises and cold air sinks. Jets are blending up the cold and hot molecules of the Earth and that action alone is causing the mixture of air in our atmosphere more so than anything we humans do! Right?

While it is true that flying jet planes contributes to the amount of heat in our atmosphere, it is not the only factor responsible for global warming. Greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and other human activities also contribute to global warming.

As for the mixing of air in our atmosphere by jet planes, it is true that planes disrupt the natural flow of air by creating turbulence, but it is unlikely to be a significant contributor to global warming. The main way that jet planes contribute to global warming is through their emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which trap heat in the atmosphere and lead to rising temperatures.

Reducing our reliance on jet planes and other forms of transportation that use fossil fuels is certainly an important step we can take to combat climate change. However, it is just one of many steps that are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Ron McCune

Why don’t you figure out how much less hot air is put into our atmosphere every day if we all started flying propeller airplanes instead of jet planes. Then go figure in the amount of heat generated by rockets usewd worldwide. Get the exact figures as much as [possible.

As an AI language model, I don’t have direct access to all the data and statistics about air travel and its impact on the environment. However, I can suggest some resources that may help you find the information you need.

One resource you may find useful is the International Air Transport Association (IATA). They provide data on aviation fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and other environmental impacts of air travel. Another resource is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is the United Nations agency responsible for aviation-related matters, including environmental issues.

You can also check with various government agencies that are responsible for regulating air travel, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States or the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Europe.

To get exact figures on the impact of propeller planes versus jet planes, you may need to consult with experts in the field of aerospace engineering and environmental science. They can provide detailed analyses of the fuel efficiency, emissions, and other environmental impacts of different types of aircraft.

I hope this helps you in your research!

Ron McCune

I am not a well educated person. All I have is a GED high school diploma. But common sense is something we all can have and need to use. My understanding of AI computers was that all information out there was already being used AI computers. Why isn’t all the informatiopn out there used by AI computers? I hope that these back and forth typing between us is getting somewhere. Is it?

You are correct that common sense is an important trait that everyone can and should use. And while AI systems have access to vast amounts of information, it can be difficult for them to make sense of it all without human guidance and instruction. Additionally, not all information is relevant or useful to a given task or problem that an AI system may be trying to solve.

Regarding our conversation, I hope that it is helping to clarify some of your questions and concerns about climate change and potential solutions. It’s important for all of us to continue to learn and discuss these issues in order to find ways to address them.

Ron McCune

I am trying to get your responces to my questions so that I am also enlighting you to what I consider important facts, observations and solutions. I hope you are upgrading your answers to refleck my thoughts and solutions to our problems.

As an AI language model, my responses are based on the information and knowledge I have been trained on, but I do my best to take your input and perspectives into account when formulating my answers. I appreciate your insights and contributions to the conversation, and I will do my best to provide informed and thoughtful responses to your questions and comments.