This article shows that we better all join in a plan that will surely end global warming immediately before it’s too late. The Earth is a planet that has an atmosphere that allows us humans and all other life to live here. This atmosphere must be maintained properly or it can be destroyed and then all life on Earth couldn’t exist. Us humans have got to understand that the area of the sky where clouds form and everything above those clouds to the outermost part of this atmospheric bubble that surrounds the Earth and allows all life to live on this planet must be left alone and shall not in any way have any kind of device, object, plane, rocket or anything else up there that would heat up or vacuum up anything at all which would naturally be air! That air from the clouds on up is Earth’s cooling system and cloud and rain making system. Warning! Don’t mess with that system that Mother Nature has created on Earth that allows clouds and rain to be made for if you do, which you have done already, you will have devastating results which we are having right now. We humans have destroyed the Ice Age and I got some bad news for all of you. The Ice Age is over and in about 2023 there will be very little if any floating ice in the waters of the North Pole region from the months of March to December about. Less cold air and more hot air in our atmosphere will result in the balance of hot and cold molecules in our atmosphere worldwide. As these massive amounts of hot molecules move around the globe they will cause massive storms and droughts in certain areas. As we keep putting jet planes heated exhaust, which is 800 to 2500 degrees, and rockets heated exhaust which can reach 5800 degrees, we have created more heat into that area of the clouds and the area above it which is not good at all because that part of our planet holds the most important part of our planet, our Mother Nature’s clouds and rain making apparatus. Then these jet planes we use also are gigantic vacuum machines and we are flying more than 100,000 of these military and commercial flights around the globe daily vacuuming up all that needed moist molecules that Mother Nature needs to make clouds and then heating up those molecules that Mother Nature needed to make clouds and then rain and then polluting those molecules so bad that those molecules can’t make a cloud molecule any more! That allows more of the Sun’s hot rays to reach the Earth and thus helps increase global warming! Since the late 1950’s we have sent about 5038 rockets into space. That’s a lot of heat! Our Earth’s atmosphere gets only so many cold molecules from space and from the ice and snow on Earth. If everybody on Earth would immediately stop flying all kinds of rockets of all kinds and stop flying jet engine airplanes of all kinds then the Earth’s temperature would stop getting so hot where it causes the global warming problems we now face. That would be so because once we stop flying jet planes and rockets then the Earth’s cloud making apperatise would increase and create clouds in mass because of the condition Earth is is now with all that is happening. These new massive amount of clouds would block the Sun’s rays which would also cool the Earth. Then these massive amounts of clouds would create massive amounts of rain which would help people to be able to grow crops and live in a new world’s climate that Mother Nature will be creating from the actions we humans create for Mother Nature to have to deal with as it evolves from what it is given to evolve into what it will be! The future is yours to create everybody! But a warning! You better do it right! You are leaving the Ice Age and entering a whole new age that could result in a very beautiful place or the end of all life on Earth as Mother Nature’s cloud and rain making apperatise is destroyed for good because of human activity. There could come a point in the near future where fires and droughts destroy enough trees and vegetation worldwide so that there isn’t enough trees and vegetation on Earth to create the molecules in mass that are necessary for the atmosphere to create clouds. Once that happens then the Sun will just bake all life and water off of the planet as the Sun has done to Venus, Mars and Mercury! Wise up folks and save yourselves! Stop flying rockets and jet planes! Go back to flying propeller airplanes! They don’t vacuum up and heat up and pollute like jet planes do! Doing these two things would drastically slow global warming to the point of stopping it! Then if we were to also stop using combustion engine vehicles and start using electric vehicles we would surely end global warming. Of course we would also have to do other things like plugging up all leaking gas lines, remaking chimneys and exhaust towers so that more heat and polluting particles aren’t being emitted into the air. This could be easily done with new ways of thinking and devises. We also have to redo our dwellings so that they are better insulated but that is all stuff we can do after we stop the major reasons for global warming which is rockets and jet planes. So what do you say everybody? You want to save yourselves or watch your world go through a hell on Earth in 2023 as the Ice Age ends and a whole new climate for the planet is created!