Folks, I will show you how to end global warming in 1-3 months. And you better do as I say because you don’t have any more time to waste! We are at the end of the Ice Age we were in and in about 3 years the North Pole region and its waterways and oceans will not have any more ice or snow on its surfaces during the 6 month long 24/7 Sun Bake ritual in Northern Hemisphere region of the North Pole. The whole world’s weather system will be changing in about 3 years folks. So get ready for the roughest ride of your lives! You think coronavirus times are bad just wait and see what Mother Nature got cookin up for you in your new cesspool that you created for Mother Nature to deal with as Mother Nature readjust its capabilities accordingly to our new heated up, polluted atmosphere you created for Mother Nature to operate in. What are you going to call this new era we are going to be in in about 3 years. I’ll tell you what it’s going to be! It’s going to be a Hell on Earth and the only way you can prevent this Hell on Earth from happening is for you to do what I say that will end global warming in 1-3 months with results showing up within days from starting what I say you need to do! First of all to show you the urgency of the matter I talk about. Just think about this, Polar Bears sleep all winter and come out of a winter long hibernation in the spring and go looking for ice floats to go hunting for seals and other food. In about 3 years there is not going to be any more ice pieces floating around the Oceans of the North Pole region from about April till late November. Snow or ice glaciers or mountain top snow or ice or snow anywhere in the North Pole region every year from now on will be scarce and not last all year long when the Sun is up.!!!!! It’s over folks! Our Ice Age era is history soon and that is the situation that our situation is in. Now about those Polar Bears and ALL the other animals and mammals and of course you humans just what are we going to do? What are we going to do when Polar Bears only have a dusting of snow on the ground till late time every year to hibernate in? Do we build a Polar Bear igloo to hibernate in? How are Polar Bears going to get on ice to go hunting for seals and other food? Should we build floating wood rafts for them to paddle around in and maybe give them fishing poles? Are we going to set up a drive thru lane at McDonalds and other places for Polar Bears to get take out food or are you going to let them invite themselves to a garbage can near you! Come on folks, we need some answers to our problems now! What are you going to do when the mountains have no more snow or ice and summers become a 24/7 hot environment where first creeks then streams then rivers